US actress Thandie Newton reveals bulimic past

"I ate nothing but cottage cheese. It didn't seem so strange. My mum was a health visitor, so we never had butter in our house, we had Flora. I had a very healthy, nutrition-conscious upbringing," she said.
The disorder turned into an obsession when she started going out with an older man, said the 34-year-old.
"We used to go out to dinner all the time, and he'd get so excited about eating... and it must have been my way of separating myself from him - by becoming bulimic.
"I would go back to the flat that we were sharing at the time, and I'd throw up," she said.
Explaining that she suffered from "horrible bulimia for about a year," she said: "I've still got the scars on my knuckles from where I put my fingers down my throat."
Newton, who also starred in "Mission Impossible 2," was born in Zambia and raised there and in England, where she went to Cambridge University before embarking on a glittering movie career.
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